Greetings! It is truly moving when we think of the grace that God has poured into KICS over the past years, the sweat and tears that have been shed, the prayers and hard work sown, and the spiritual and financial support of everyone that has helped us.
KICS was founded to provide Christian students with a high-quality education based on God’s word, and convey the truth and salvation to students who do not know God. We hope that, through KICS, students and their families will come back to God, search for the truth, and change the world for the better by taking on important roles in this generation.
We envision that 30 years from now, KICS graduates will be spread throughout Indonesia and the world, making an impact as spiritual leaders. We hope that KICS graduates will be shining God’s light in all departments and levels of government, business, culture and religion. We hope that, although they may live as a part of the world, they will not follow the ways of the world but rather act with righteousness. We hope that KICS graduates will become channels of blessing for all people.
We welcome you to KICS, the school with a vision.
– Lee Sung Hun, M.Div.,S.Th. (Founder)
– Grace Cho Won Kyoung, M.A., M.Th., S.PGSD (Co-Founder)