Dear Jesus,
Thank you for this morning.
Thank you for my teacher, my friends, and my school.
I want to please you and love you more and more today. Please help me to be nice and diligent.
Help me to study hard to glorify your name. Let me obey my teachers and my Lord today. I want to be like Jesus day by day.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the food you gave us.
We know that everything is from you, Lord. Please help us to be healthy and strong.
Please help poor people who cannot eat right now. Thank you for your love.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your blessing today. We want to go home now.
Lead us and guide us on the way home. Help us to obey my mom and dad.
Help us to be a spiritual leader for the next generation. Bless our teacher, bless our friends, and bless their families. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Jasmine is sick now. Please help her get better soon. Please help her feel better soon.
Please help her be cured soon Please help her get well soon. Please heal her.
Dear God,
I say a prayer for my protection. Keep me safe and those I love safe.
I know You are watching from Heaven above, Amen
– We will go to our friend’s house this week. Please help us have a good time.
Don’t let anybody get injured.
-We will go on a field study today. Please guide us on our way.
Please help us learn a lot and have fun there. Protect us from all dangers.
-We will go to the swimming pool today.
Help us enjoy swimming and let there be no accidents.
-We will have a science fair today. Guide us in this special event,
so that we can have fun learning God’s science. Please help us so everything can run well.
Volunteer teacher
A volunteer can teach foreign languages, a school subject, seminars, or share experiences from his/her job. Parents can also help us as a one-day assistant when we have special events such as the Math Olympic, Bazaar, Open House, Science Fair, Camping, etc.
Serving through professional occupations
Parents can aid the school using professional skills. For example, architects, contractors, lawyers, and doctors/nurses can help us in practical ways.
Chapel story teller
Parents can tell a Bible story in chapel once or regularly. We would appreciate this ministry.
Parents can help with transportation for field studies.
We are a growing school and we always need more books, materials, equipment, furniture and funds.
Spiritual parents of Dream Child
Our yayasan operates the Dream Child program to help poor students by providing tuition and food.
1) We have 4 (four) regions of Dream Child Ministry such as Donghwa, Kilo, Longsep and Tebisaq.
2) You can be a spiritual parent of one child by donating Rp. 100.000,- monthly. Dream Child will give you the name and picture of the child you support so that you can keep praying for him/her. For further information, please ask the office.
Volunteer Dream Child teacher
You may help Dream Child students (Elementary and Junior High) by teaching once a week. You can teach them English, Math, or the Bible. You may teach in Indonesian. The location is on Km 12 and Donghoa. And you may serve them with food, presents, or social service such as cutting hairs or medical check etc.